If you have skills, knowledge and experience gained through working and learning, we can provide you RPL (Recognition Prior Learning). RPL connects your skills, knowledge and experience with certified qualification
RPL for Whom?
Ø Those people who have work experience or currently working in Australia or overseas.
Ø People who have no qualifications from institute
Ø Need certificates for their skills, knowledge and experiences
Ø Do not want to attend the class
Ø Want to apply for permanent visa
Ø Expects to update their outdate certificate
Ø Need promotion or update their current work industry.
We have assembled a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) about RPL for you, but remember that your assessor is there to help and support you so always be sure to ask questions and seek their advice.
What is RPL?
Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is a process for giving candidates credit for skills, knowledge and experience gained through working and learning. It can be gained at any stage of their lives, through formal and informal learning in Australia or overseas, through work or other activities such as volunteering.
How much RPL can I get?
If you have the evidence to show that you can demonstrate the skills and knowledge needed, the minimum RPL is one unit of competence and the maximum is a full qualification.
How many years of experience do I require to apply for RPL
3 years or more.
When should I apply for RPL?
You can apply for RPL at any time.
How long does it take to prepare evidence?
Preparing evidence for your RPL application will take time – the responsibility for gathering the evidence lies with you. The more preparation you do, the less time the application may take however there really is no ‘set’ time – it really depends on how much evidence you gather and how easy it is to put together.
How long will the process take?
Your RPL assessor will try to complete the process as quickly as possible for you, but how soon they can make a decision on your RPL application depends mainly on how well you have prepared your evidence and how well your evidence meets the requirements of the unit/s of competency.
Different RTOs will have different time frames but about four weeks is probably a reasonable time to expect a decision after you have lodged your application with all your evidence for RPL. Check with your RPL assessor as to whether they have a specific timeframe they follow.
Do I need to attend classes while I’m waiting for a decision?
Not necessarily – You only attend first time to discuss the RPL requirements with your assessor. If, after doing an initial review of your evidence, your assessor feels that you’re going to be successful in achieving RPL for the qualification, you should probably await the result of your assessment before undertaking any study.
What does the Training Package mean by ‘quality evidence’?
For evidence to have ‘quality’ it must cover the scope listed below.
The collection of quality evidence requires that:
assessment must address the scope of this unit and reflect all components of the unit, that is, the Elements, Performance Criteria, Range Statement, Evidence Requirements and Key Competencies
a range of appropriate assessment methods and evidence gathering techniques is used to determine competency
evidence must be gathered in the workplace wherever possible. Where no workplace is available, a simulated workplace must be provided
the evidence collected must relate to a number of performances assessed at different points in time and in a learning and assessment pathway these must be separated by further learning and practice
assessment meets the rules of evidence
a judgment of competency should only be made when the assessor is confident that the required outcomes of the unit/s have been achieved and that consistent performance has been demonstrated
What is a portfolio of evidence, and how do I collect evidence?
A portfolio is a formal collection of evidence that you have obtained during your learning, your career experience and your personal and professional development.
How can I collect this evidence?
Your evidence can be collected from a range of sources including the following:
Samples of your work that demonstrate your competence
Employment history which can include voluntary and work experience
A validation letter that confirms the authenticity of your information
Skills demonstration
Life experience
Industry representative from your place of employment
It is advised that you are methodical with your collection – use a folder to store paper-based evidence under the unit headings, keep an overall index and use an evidence review/summary sheet as a cover page for your portfolio. Ensure that you cross-reference evidence clearly so that your RPL assessor can see how it relates to the performance criteria.
Remember, the more clear and well organised your portfolio of evidence is, the easier your RPL assessor will find it to work with.
How will I know if I have enough evidence?
You should assemble evidence to support your claim for RPL with enough detail to help the assessor reach a decision. One piece of evidence may not prove much on its own, however when corroborated by a number of other pieces, it can help to build up a picture of your competencies.
RPL Assessment is conducted in accordance with the principles of assessment and the rules of evidence.
The principles of assessment state that the assessment must be:
valid (does the method assess what it claims to assess?)
reliable (does the method consistently do what it is designed to do?)
flexible (how well can the method be used in different situations or adapted for candidates with special needs?)
fair (are all candidates equal or does the method place some at an advantage or disadvantage?)
The rules of evidence state that the evidence collected must be:
valid (does the evidence suit the purpose of its collection?)
- current (does the evidence reflect the candidate’s current abilities?)
- sufficient (is there enough evidence to make a considered judgement?)
- authentic (does the evidence reflect the candidate’s own performance, or someone else’s?)
A discussion with your assessor will help you decide how much evidence is required.
What do I do if I do not have enough evidence?
If you do not have enough evidence to apply for PRL, your assessor will recommend you undertaking further training to broaden your range of knowledge and skills in that specific competency area.
Wouldn’t it be easier just to do the study?
Good question! In some cases… yes, it would be. Some people think that RPL is the ‘easy way out’ of study, but actually, it can take a lot of time and effort to put together a successful RPL application.
Your RPL assessor is the best person to answer this question for you. He/she will be able to give you an honest appraisal of your likely success with RPL, and whether it’s the best option for you.
AUR 30312 Certificate III in Automotive Electrical Technology |
AUR 30612 Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology |
AUR31012 Certificate III in Automotive Sales |
AUR31112 Certificate III in Heavy Commercial Vehicle Mechanical Technology |
AUR31212 Certificate III in Mobile Plant Technology |
AUR31412 Certificate III in Automotive Diesel Fuel Technology |
AUR 31512 Certificate III in Automotive Diesel Engine Technology |
AUR32512 Certificate III in Automotive Underbody Technology |
AUR40212 Certificate IV in Automotive Mechanical Diagnosis |
AUR 40812 Certificate IV in Automotive Mechanical Overhauling |
AUR50112 Diploma of Automotive Management |
BSB 30112 Certificate III in Business |
BSB31112 Certificate III in Business Administration (Medical) |
BSB 40212 Certificate IV in Business |
BSB 50117 Diploma of Management |
BSB 50311 Diploma of Customer Contact |
BSB 50407 Diploma of Business Administration |
BSB 60407 Advanced Diploma of Management |
BSB 60207 Advanced Diploma of Business |
CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care |
CHC30212 Certificate III in Aged Care |
CHC30312 Certificate III in Home and Community Care |
CHC30408 Certificate III in Disability |
CHC40108 Certificate IV in Aged Care |
CHC40213 Certificate IV in Education Support |
CHC40312 Certificate IV in Disability |
CHC50108 Diploma of Disability |
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care |
CHC50612 Diploma of Community Services Work |
CHC60112 Advanced Diploma of Disability |
FDF30510 Certificate III in Retail Baking (Cake and Pastry) |
FDF30610 Certificate III in Retail Baking (Bread) |
FDF30710 Certificate III in Retail Baking (Combined) |
FNS50210 Diploma of Accounting |
FNS60210 Advanced Diploma of Accounting |